Gabe Glidden, no relation to the paint company, was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and knows more than he'd like to admit about the misery of cheering for those sports teams. He has worked in radio broadcasting since 2014, all of that time spent in the Midwest. Claiming to be the creator of the world-famous Flannel Fridays, which may or may not be true, he's been playing guitar since age 11. Music is in his blood!
Are There Any Hooters Restaurants in Iowa?
Does Iowa have any Hooters restaurants and if so, how many?
Did You Know These 4 Animals Once Called Iowa Home?
At one point these 4 animals all could be found living in Iowa.
Don’t Forget to Shut This Off At Your House Before Winter Hits Iowa
Be sure to turn this off at your house before it gets really cold in Iowa.
If You Make This Much Money Per Year, You’re In The Top 1% in Iowa
Here's how much you need to make per year to be in the top 1% in Iowa.
Iowa Driver Pulled Over For 96 MPH is the Least Of Their Problems
Iowa driver pulled over for 96 mph. Sadly, this is the least of their problems.
Who’s At Fault If You Hit Stray Livestock With Your Car In Iowa?
Who's fault is it if you hit stray livestock in Iowa?
Iowa Farmer Thanks a Minnesota Teenager For His Big Catch
Iowa farmer has a Minnesota teenager to thank for a big catch!
The Scariest Bug Ever Found In Iowa [WATCH]
This might be the scariest bug ever found in Iowa.
These Iowa Grannies Are Better At Basketball Than You Are [WATCH]
Granny league national championships were recently held in eastern Iowa.
Iowa Town Has Racked Up A Ton Of Fines With New Speed Cameras
One Iowa town is racking up the fines with its new speeding cameras.