Connor Kenney, originally from Clinton, Iowa, grew up loving radio and has a blast talking to you every day. Connor is the Brand Manager for B100 and has been with the station since December 2019. With 10 years of radio under his belt, it's obvious Connor loves radio and talking. Connor was the champion of B100 Proof Vodka and the partnership with Knee-High Distilling Co., Muscatine, Iowa's first distillery. B100 Proof Vodka is the first and only radio station-branded vodka in history. Make sure you hang out with Connor while you work, head to lunch, or have a random thirsty Thursday off.
Connor Kenney
Stop Making Fun Of Your Iowa Friends, Corn Sweat Is A Real Thing
As crazy as it sounds, corn sweat is a real thing. In the Midwest states like Iowa and Illinois, corn releases moisture into the atmosphere making this heat wave worse.
Iowa Has Had A Terrifying Summer With A Record To Prove It
Iowa has officially broke its 20-year record of the most tornadoes in one year. 2024 has had 122 tornadoes so far breaking 2004's record of 120.
Toss It Now! Huge Recall In Iowa, Illinois & Wisconsin For Cucumbers
A massive cucumber recall is sweeping the nation. A Salmonella outbreak amongst two growers have gotten people sick in several states including Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin.
Iowa Schools Start On A Friday This Year Because Of This Dumb Law
Writing laws can be hard sometimes, just ask Iowa politicians. Schools can't start until August 23rd but that doesn't make sense especially when school starts on a Friday this year.
Casey’s To Acquire 198 CEFCO Convenience Stores Across The South
Iowa-based gas station chain, Casey's, will acquire almost 200 stores across the south solidifying it as the 3rd-largest convenience store chain in the U.S.
One Of The Best Run Cities In The U.S. Is Right In Iowa
You hope that your city is being ran the best it can by local political leaders and community leaders. Luckily, for Cedar Rapids, they have one of the best run cities in America.
Corn Is Randomly Growing In Iowa Town Hit By Deadly Tornado
Greenfield, Iowa was hit by an EF4 tornado back in May. That tornado must have picked up corn seeds and several of them landed on lawns in the torn up town of Greenfield.
Why Fireworks Were Banned For Almost 80 Years In Iowa
Those kids were rowdy in Spencer, IA.
Iowa, If You See A Bright Yellow Stripe In Your Yard Run Away
Those little lines are popping up in Iowa.
Rubber Chickens Will Be Thrown Out Of Airplanes In Eastern Iowa
I love this event.