A little bit, or a lot, of spring snow is not that odd of an event in South Dakota. But, ten years ago, much of eastern South Dakota was blanketed with several inches of late April snow.

Friday April, 25, 2008, only three to four inches of snow fell in Sioux Falls. But, in areas north and west of Sioux Falls, 10 to 15 inches of snow fell in six to twelve hours. That's just a few days away from May! Practically summer. One good thing about spring snow is that it is great for making snowmen, snow forts and snow balls. On the other hand it's a super pain to scoop.

NWS April 25 2008 South Dakota Snow
NWS Sioux Falls

Here's some pictures from Watertown, SD that were featured on KDLT-TV. Up there they got about nine to ten inches of spring snow.

Check out this full meteorological description of the storm from the National Weather Service Office in Sioux Falls here.

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