5 Strange Things You Can’t Take on a Plane in Sioux Falls – or Anywhere
If you’re getting on a plane at Joe Foss Field in Sioux Falls for the holidays this year, you want as little drama as possible. So leave these things at home or you'll have trouble in the the security line.
Here's 5 strange items (according to Cheat Sheet) the TSA won’t let you take on the plane in Sioux Falls - or anywhere really.
- Amazon
Amazon 1Magic 8-Ball
We're guessing the liquid inside makes it a no-no on airplanes. But to be sure we asked it. It said "very doubtful."
- clipart
clipart 2Cast Iron Skillet
If Rupunzel could use it as a weapon, I guess we could too. Other than getting a hankerin' for fried taters mid-flight there's really no reason to take one.
- Amazon
Amazon 3Foam Toy Sword
You can't break into a cockpit with a foam sword. Nor can you pretend your a knight pretending to get everyone to their destination safely - but it would be cool. Still...you can't bring one on board.
- Thinkstock
Thinkstock 4Ice Cream
The TSA's “What Can I Bring” page prohibits ice cream in people’s carry-on bags. Which is kind of a bummer.
- marekuliasz/ThinkStock
marekuliasz/ThinkStock 5Canoe Paddle
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. In case of a water landing, Larry in 17C has brought a canoe paddle..." I'm mad we'll never hear that.
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